School NewsFeb 12, 2021

updated Apr 8, 2024

Remembering Sarah McFarland

A seasoned world traveler and consummate reader, she was, as her obituary noted, “the kind of teacher every high school should have.”

1月12日,我们悲痛地得知一位前历史老师去世, College Counselor, and Resident Sarah McFarland, 她在澳门威利斯网站的25年里担任过很多职位.

莎拉于1989年加入MHS,担任居民和大学辅导员, a position she held for thirteen years, and began teaching History in 1992. A resident for 25 years, she also held the roles of History Department Chair, School Archivist, Senior Class Advisor, JV basketball and tennis coach, and advisor to Essence.

萨拉从威廉姆斯学院图书馆来到MHS,在那里她是参考部门的负责人. 她是一个经验丰富的世界旅行家,也是一个完美的读者(莎拉保留了一个自1960年以来她读过的书的清单)。, she was, as her obituary noted, “the kind of teacher every high school should have.”

Some of the many remembrances we've received

“Sarah was direct in her critiques, for sure, 但这对我来说也是非常宝贵的,因为我是一名大一新生,想要快速学习很多东西, and decipher so many unspoken Miss Hall’s rules. 我知道,认识她,向她学习,我是一个更好的校长, and I will be forever grateful for her kindness, generosity, humor and care.”
— Head of School Julia Heaton (Read more)

"As a resident, 萨拉很高兴花时间和九年级学生一起讲MHS的鬼故事, 当他们一起住在二楼时——这让我非常沮丧, as it took weeks sometimes to calm them back down. 我有幸和她一起上了欧洲历史预修课, 她每节课的笔记和准备都让我很惊讶,其中很多内容她在课堂上从来没有参考过. She was like that in all of her classes, 她的学生从她带进教室和宿舍的所有东西中受益.
— Director of Academic Counseling Sarah Virden (Read more)

“Ms. M. was brilliant. 我只上过她的心理学课,在她的课上很吃力. She did not give up on me. 她帮助我磨练了组织能力,很快我就从c变成了a. She was the best!”
— Brigitte Walsh ’94

“She asked me what I wanted to do with my life. 那时我15岁,满怀信心地说我想成为一名律师. ‘A lawyer? Interesting, but no not you, dear Hannah,’  she said. “亲爱的,你应该研究一下传播学. 你不需要研究它,你的个性就是一切,而且你沟通得很好. But that is where your strength lies. Communications and people! Take my word for it.’ I’m 28 now, with a B.A. in Strategic Communications, 我毕业后做的每一份工作都发挥了我的这些优点,她知道我一直都有这些优点.”
— Hannah Knoblauch ’10

“She’s the reason I went on to get my B.社会学A,也是我进入教育行业的原因之一. Her legacy lives on in all of us. 她是我记忆中最好的(也是最好的男人),她让我进她的公寓, 我们都吓坏了,因为她从来不让我们小孩子进去。).”
— Kyanna Joseph ’13

“要成为一名优秀的女孩老师,至少有一半的条件是成为一个好榜样. 我们可以为Sarah mcfarland做到这两点——她教得很好,为她的学生和同事树立了一个好榜样. 如果我能知道所有和我分享她们对她的爱和感激的女孩的名字. 这些年来,这个名单从福尔摩斯路一直延伸到克莱因艺术中心. Her secret was connection."
— Jeannie Norris, H’62, H’12(Read more)

“作为一名新教员,我最早的经历之一是和萨拉一起负责搬家. To be honest, I was a bit intimidated. 她经验丰富,沉浸在寄宿学校的文化和知识中. I was brand new, green, but ready to learn. She showed me the ropes and was playful. As I grew to know her in future years, 我了解到她有很深的幽默感,喜欢玩耍和冒险.

"At one point, on that move-in day, 我们俩都把垃圾袋从宿舍拖到厨房附近的垃圾箱里. As we tossed the trash in the Dumpster, I noticed piles of old classroom maps, 因为它们不再是教室里的固定物品,所以被拆除和丢弃了. I expressed curiosity and wonder at these artifacts. 莎拉解释说没人想要,但如果我想要,我应该跳进去. 她让我放下架子,鼓励我想拿多少就拿多少. She helped me back out. I dusted myself off, we laughed, 去见下一个即将开始他们MHS经历的新学生. She is missed!”
— Alison Basdekis, Director of Horizons

“Sarah was a force to be reckoned with. 当她认为别人在用“客套话”浪费她的时间时,她总是大声斥责." When I first came to Miss Hall's, 萨拉的教室在我办公室的走廊对面,现在是一间美术室. 萨拉和我喜欢每天短暂的拜访,在那里她会和我开一些讽刺的玩笑. One day I came to visit Sarah, 我承认,我对自己之前在历史课上的学术经历感到不足. 我问莎拉,她是否愿意教我一些历史趣闻. Although the inadequacy was authentic the ask for information was not;) Sarah decided to teach me a weekly historical tidbit and quiz me at the end of each week. "King Harold: The Battle of Hastings...“我想莎拉很惊讶我还记得她的宝贵教诲."
— Jennifer Jordan, Director of Theater and Dance

“Ms. 麦克法兰是一位杰出的教师,也是学生未来的倡导者. 她推动我达到了比我想象的更高的目标,她的信心和支持使我感到鼓舞.”
— Erin Dobson Cooley ’97

“Ms. McFarland was a huge part of MHS life for me. She taught me the value of quick wit and dry humor. She always had an eye out
在我不知道自己需要的时候保护着我, 我将永远铭记她的记忆.”
— Ali Moore-Ede ’05

“Ms. 麦克法兰向我敞开了世界的大门,真正教会了我如何批判性地思考我们在世界上的位置. 她向我展示了作为一个厉害的、环游世界的、独立的女人的未来是什么样的. What a woman.”
— Nora McCloskey ’08

“I had Ms. 麦克法兰找了三个不同的班级,并找到了其中两个,因为她教他们. Ms. 麦克法兰是我开始更加批判性地思考我在这个世界上的位置以及我们的行为的原因, both big and small, can set off a ripple of change. 她是个花花公子,不容忍傻瓜,我因此而爱她.

“I was once too shy in 10th grade to ask the kitchen staff if I could borrow a knife; she took me by the cuff of my shirt and dragged me over there to make me get over my small fear. 她给了我智慧的话语,告诉我如何克服小小的恐惧,自信地前进. That has served me well so far! 她还教了我一个对付经期痉挛的小窍门, which sounds silly, 但对于一个14岁的孩子来说,这是一个巨大的挑战(我至今仍在使用这个技巧)!). She made a lasting impact. I’m grateful to MHS for bringing her into our lives.”
— Cat Bunker ’07