
更新 2023年11月20日


夫人. 伯格为MHS奉献了42年, 做了23年的体育总监, and she coached nearly every sport at the School.



前体育总监, 教练, 档案管理员, 女校友 Association Executive Secretary, 导师, and friend Madge 方式 passed away on January 4 at age 97.

夫人. 伯格为MHS奉献了42年, 做了23年的体育总监, and she coached nearly every sport at the School.
一位忠实的卫生部大使. 方式 was until recently a presence at 女校友 Weekend and our annual Awards Banquet, where she presented the Madge 方式 Blue/Gold Cup.

在他们之间,夫人. 伯格和她的丈夫, 前拉丁语教师, 注册商, 大学辅导员, 副校长乔, served a combined 70 years at Miss Hall’s, and the 方式s made an indelible impact on the lives of generations of MHS students.

“I can see and hear her during graduation practices directing everyone with class and grace. 一个传奇. She’ll be in charge up above for sure.” — 亚历山德拉·马丁·梅勒1983年

There were so many memories surrounding her. She set the pace to the music (with bent arm moving back and forth in front of her)
to make sure we entered any formal event in the student center. I think of her to this day when I hear God of Our Fathers (and am ready to walk in time to the beat). As members of the Athletic Association, she was really our 导师. 然后, 晚些时候, when I was 女校友 Council President and she was 女校友 Association Director, I felt she was a real friend and her guidance priceless. We were so lucky to have her at Miss Hall’s.” ——希拉·斯克兰顿·蔡尔兹,57年

"I feel lucky to have had Madge inspire me as a student, and then 导师 me as I took on the role of AD at Miss Hall’s, 刚从大学毕业. Needless to say, I was green, but she always seemed to know just what to say. I will forever think of her fondly.” ——瑞秋·奥古斯特·霍恩94年

“The 方式s were the heart and soul of MHS and cared so deeply for all of us students. What a wonderful legacy, I will remember both of them fondly.” ——劳拉·H. 哈里斯74年

“啊,真是个损失. 夫人. 方式 made everyone feel special, and even recognized me whenever I came back on campus. I think of her running alongside our field hockey team during the fall games.”——爱丽丝·巴特勒·伯纳姆1965年


“The 澳门威利斯网站 archives were enriched for many years by the stewardship of two women, Madge 方式 and Sarah McFarland. 第一个马奇, 然后是莎拉, tackled the enormous task of organizing and preserving the School’s many historic artifacts.

“These materials had been kept in several diverse environments, and Sarah oversaw their move into the dedicated archives space in Benjamin A. 园厅. She continued to champion their care as she trained a new archivist, stressing the importance of not only tending to and continuing to preserve these reminders of our past, but also the need to thoroughly document the present-day life of the school.

“每次看到我就晕倒, penciled notes on the back of an old black-and-white graduation photograph or on the first page of a school publication now extinct — Madge’s handwriting a delicate cursive and Sarah’s an all-caps printing — I am reminded of how much these two authentic women contributed to what we know of our past.” — Marieanne Clark P’06, School 档案管理员

“Sad news for the MHS community and all who knew her kindness.” ——Stacey Sotirhos, 1989年

真是个悲伤的消息. Madge and Joe were ever present in the most joyful ways throughout my wonderful years as a student at MHS.” ——艾丽西亚·阿诺德·福斯特,78年

“Had it not been for each and both of them my MHS experience would have been greatly diminished.” ——南·布鲁斯特·帕特诺特1965年

“If we all modeled our lives after Madge, this would be a kinder and more loving world. I loved turning over proceedings to her because the rafters shook with shouting and school spirit. 一个了不起的女人.” ——珍妮·诺里斯1962年,2012年

“She was a school treasure and continued on for so long after her husband passed. I am so glad they are now reunited.” ——丽贝卡·克莱恩,1984年

“She was a great leader and well respected. 悲伤的损失.” ——Sally Searles Gierke, 1970年

“It was over sixty years ago that this wonderful woman entered my life at MHS. As so many have said here: she was kind, 深思熟虑的, 总是愿意倾听, 开怀大笑, 是一个真正的运动员, but didn't make that her only important identity. I always felt calm and safe around her as I made the adjustment to boarding school. 愿她安息. ——玛格丽特·里格·阿特伍德,1961年

“RIP,夫人. 方式. 她和先生. 方式 were absolutely central to my MHS years. 她不听我们的废话.” ——艾莉森·比奇,81年

安息和祈祷. Influenced so many of us during her time.” ——海蒂·迪特洛夫,78年

“This is such a sad news, but both Mr. 伯格和夫人. 方式’s memories will continue to warm my heart. I am forever thankful for their love and everlasting impression on me personally during those challenging times!” ——Ramak Makooi, 1980

“真是一个了不起的人. Role model of principled leadership. Loved her blue/gold rallies at luncheon — Go Blue.” ——苏珊·P. O’day 77


“I owe my proper dining etiquette to 夫人. 方式.” ——瑞秋·费雷尔,1986年

“太伤心了。. She was the light as soon as you walked into school. 她的笑.” ——帕梅拉·马丁,1988年

“听到这件事我很难过. 许多澳门威利斯网站夫人. 方式. My condolences to her family and her extended MHS family.” ——杰西卡·德恩,1993年

“作为一名AA发行人. I have many fond memories and laughs. 休息吧,夫人. 方式.” ——玛丽莎·弗格森,1993年

她和先生. 方式 were two of my 3 favorite teachers. (第三个是皮特曼小姐.) She appeared to genuinely like me even though I was a “snow bunny” (non-skier) in the winter and didn’t much like school sports. We snow bunnies had to put on a show (with song & dance) as our sport — her idea, and brilliant. 我永远不会忘记她. She was so kind and just wanted all of us to be happy.” ——苏·谢泼德·雅克1961年

“所有人都爱她!” ——盖尔·阿库尼·柯克伍德,1961年

“Honored to have received the Joseph 方式 Spirit Award. 她是一个传奇!” ——艾米·佩恩,1989年